Blogpost 7- Nanotech and Art?!
Nanotech and art are needed to understand one another as seen in paintings by Christian Orfescu and from the nanotech exhibit at LACMA in 2003. Christian Orfescu uses nanotechnology in his art that he calls nanoart (Feder). This is interesting when one considers that nanotech is with objects that are 100 nanometers or less. For reference, the average circumference of a strand of hair is 80,000 nanometers (Feder). Orfescu has annual competitions for artists interested in creating nanoart. These artists have to rely on nanotechnology to create it as there is no other way. Orfescu’s goal is to spread awareness to nanoart. To influence those competing in his art competition, he sends them microscopic images so they have an idea (Feder). (Example of a painting by Orfescu) In 2003, LACMA had an exhibit where people can use art to understand nanotechnology. This exhibit was created by some experts from UCLA including Dr. Vesna. In the exhibit they have buckyballs and a sand mandala...